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VIRSEC Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health Level 1

Course information

Target group:

This course is intended for people who work with others in an organisation, and who would benefit from understanding more about spotting the signs and symptoms of mental health problems, and the steps that can be taken to help.


Research shows that 1 in 4 people will suffer from a mental health condition at some point in their lives, and 1 in 6 will experience mental health problems in the workplace. In fact, work pressures are commonly cited as being the number one contributor to stress. Mental health problems are often covered up through fear of discrimination, and a culture of fear and silence can make things very much worse - and be extremely costly for employers. Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health: Level 1 is a 100% online training course designed to raise awareness of mental health issues and help the learner to spot symptoms in themselves or others.


Early intervention can make a huge difference, and this course helps the learner to understand the different types of problems that exist, what the symptoms may be, and what the best steps are to begin helping the individual onto the road of healing. This level 1 qualification is targeted to people in an organisation who may not have a supervisory position, however they will still have a duty of care both towards themselves and towards their work colleagues. The course outlines how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and how to provide help on a first aid basis. Learners will not diagnose or treat mental health conditions because these can only be performed by professionals, but it will teach people to assist others by listening, reassuring, and responding.


Do you want more information about the course, or do you want to order?

Contact us at Tel: +47 24 15 55 55 , or send us an e-mail.

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